For an updated list, please refer to my CV above.
Anne Pasek, Zane Cooper, Jordan Kinder, Cindy Kaiying Lin. Digital Energetics.(Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press), May 2023. Equal Authorship. URL.
Fisher, Anna Watkins, Silvia Lindtner, Ivan Chaar-Lopez, Cengiz Salman, McKenzie Wark, Kalindi Vora, Jackie Wang, Cass Adair, Lisa Nakamura, Cindy Lin, with Meryem Kamil (Precarity Lab). Technoprecarious. Goldsmiths Press/The MIT Press. Forthcoming November 2020. Equal Authorship. URL.
Cindy Kaiying Lin and Steven J. Jackson. “From Bias to Repair: Error as a Site of Collaboration and Negotiation in Applied Data Science Work.” In Proceedings of the ACM Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW), 2023.
Lin, Cindy and Silvia Lindtner. “Techniques of Use: Confronting value systems of productivity, progress, and usefulness in computing and design.” In Proceedings of the ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference (CHI '21).
Lin, Cindy, Silvia Lindtner, and Stefanie Wuschitz. “Hacking Difference in Indonesia: The Ambivalences of Designing for Alternative Futures.” In Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '19). ACM, 1571-1582. Recognition for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion. PDF.
Lin, Cindy, and Silvia Lindtner. "Legitimacy, boundary objects & participation in transnational DIY biology." In Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Full papers-Volume 1, 171-180. ACM, 2016. PDF.
Dolejšová, Markéta, and Cindy Lin. "Squat & Grow: Designing Smart Human-Food Interactions in Singapore." In Proceedings of the SEACHI 2016 on Smart Cities for Better Living with HCI and UX, 24-27. ACM, 2016. PDF.
Cindy Lin. “Knowing Nature Through Data.” In SAGE International Handbook for Data and Society. Forthcoming.
Cindy Lin. “The Virtual Fire.” Media Rurality, Ed. Patrick Brodie and Darin Barney. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press), Forthcoming.
Lin, Cindy. How Forest Became Data: The Remaking of Ground Truth. The Nature of Data: Infrastructures, Environments, Politics, Ed. Jenny E. Goldstein and Eric Nost, University of Nebraska Press. 2022.
Avle, Seyram, Cindy Lin, Jean Hardy and Silvia Lindtner. “Scaling Techno-Optimistic Visions.” In Engaging Science, Technology and Society 6 (2020): 237-254. PDF.
Lindtner, Silvia, and Cindy Lin. "Making and its promises." CoDesign 13, no. 2 (2017): 70-82. PDF.
Bardzell, Jeffrey, Shaowen Bardzell, Cindy Lin, Silvia Lindtner, and Austin Toombs. "HCI’s Making Agendas." Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction (TOCHI) 11, no. 3 (2017): 126-200. PDF.
Lin, Cindy. “Protean Environment and Political Possibilities.” Public Books, 2023. URL.
Lin, Cindy. “How to Make a Forest.” e-flux architecture, April 2020. URL.
Heeryung Choi, Jane Im, Cindy Lin, and Yixin Zou. An Open Letter to the U-M community. The Michigan Daily. April 5, 2021.
Sensorial Formats organized by Making Sensory Ethnography, Hatcher Graduate Library Gallery, University of Michigan, April 2018.
Urban Explorations Paris organized by Media Lab Laselle Singapore.
The Nenek Project organized by Cindy Lin, Stefanie Wuschitz, and Lifepatch
Participatory Workshops
Artificial Intelligence and the Environment from the Global South co-organized by Indonesia Society for Remote Sensing (MAPIN) and IEEE OESTEMS Indonesia Section with Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, Department of Information Science and Radiant Earth Foundation. Workshop funded by Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia, July 2022.
Prototypes, Ethics, and Time: Where Did My Arduino Go? With Eric Pan and David Li, Workshop presented at Designers of Interactive, Intelligent, Internet of Things, University of Michigan, April 2017.
Critical Make with Leah Buechley, Workshop presented at Designers of Interactive, Intelligent, Internet of Things, University of Michigan, December 2016.
Anne Pasek, Zane Cooper, Jordan Kinder, Cindy Kaiying Lin. Digital Energetics.(Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press), May 2023. Equal Authorship. URL.
Fisher, Anna Watkins, Silvia Lindtner, Ivan Chaar-Lopez, Cengiz Salman, McKenzie Wark, Kalindi Vora, Jackie Wang, Cass Adair, Lisa Nakamura, Cindy Lin, with Meryem Kamil (Precarity Lab). Technoprecarious. Goldsmiths Press/The MIT Press. Forthcoming November 2020. Equal Authorship. URL.
Cindy Kaiying Lin and Steven J. Jackson. “From Bias to Repair: Error as a Site of Collaboration and Negotiation in Applied Data Science Work.” In Proceedings of the ACM Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW), 2023.
Lin, Cindy and Silvia Lindtner. “Techniques of Use: Confronting value systems of productivity, progress, and usefulness in computing and design.” In Proceedings of the ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference (CHI '21).
Lin, Cindy, Silvia Lindtner, and Stefanie Wuschitz. “Hacking Difference in Indonesia: The Ambivalences of Designing for Alternative Futures.” In Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '19). ACM, 1571-1582. Recognition for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion. PDF.
Lin, Cindy, and Silvia Lindtner. "Legitimacy, boundary objects & participation in transnational DIY biology." In Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Full papers-Volume 1, 171-180. ACM, 2016. PDF.
Dolejšová, Markéta, and Cindy Lin. "Squat & Grow: Designing Smart Human-Food Interactions in Singapore." In Proceedings of the SEACHI 2016 on Smart Cities for Better Living with HCI and UX, 24-27. ACM, 2016. PDF.
Cindy Lin. “Knowing Nature Through Data.” In SAGE International Handbook for Data and Society. Forthcoming.
Cindy Lin. “The Virtual Fire.” Media Rurality, Ed. Patrick Brodie and Darin Barney. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press), Forthcoming.
Lin, Cindy. How Forest Became Data: The Remaking of Ground Truth. The Nature of Data: Infrastructures, Environments, Politics, Ed. Jenny E. Goldstein and Eric Nost, University of Nebraska Press. 2022.
Avle, Seyram, Cindy Lin, Jean Hardy and Silvia Lindtner. “Scaling Techno-Optimistic Visions.” In Engaging Science, Technology and Society 6 (2020): 237-254. PDF.
Lindtner, Silvia, and Cindy Lin. "Making and its promises." CoDesign 13, no. 2 (2017): 70-82. PDF.
Bardzell, Jeffrey, Shaowen Bardzell, Cindy Lin, Silvia Lindtner, and Austin Toombs. "HCI’s Making Agendas." Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction (TOCHI) 11, no. 3 (2017): 126-200. PDF.
Lin, Cindy. “Protean Environment and Political Possibilities.” Public Books, 2023. URL.
Lin, Cindy. “How to Make a Forest.” e-flux architecture, April 2020. URL.
Heeryung Choi, Jane Im, Cindy Lin, and Yixin Zou. An Open Letter to the U-M community. The Michigan Daily. April 5, 2021.
Sensorial Formats organized by Making Sensory Ethnography, Hatcher Graduate Library Gallery, University of Michigan, April 2018.
Urban Explorations Paris organized by Media Lab Laselle Singapore.
Galerie Episodique, June 2015
National Design Centre Singapore, October 2015
The Nenek Project organized by Cindy Lin, Stefanie Wuschitz, and Lifepatch
Critical Make, turning functionality,
House of Electronic Arts, Basel, Switzerland, April 2015
Jogja Contemporary, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
March 2015
Participatory Workshops
Artificial Intelligence and the Environment from the Global South co-organized by Indonesia Society for Remote Sensing (MAPIN) and IEEE OESTEMS Indonesia Section with Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, Department of Information Science and Radiant Earth Foundation. Workshop funded by Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia, July 2022.
Prototypes, Ethics, and Time: Where Did My Arduino Go? With Eric Pan and David Li, Workshop presented at Designers of Interactive, Intelligent, Internet of Things, University of Michigan, April 2017.
Critical Make with Leah Buechley, Workshop presented at Designers of Interactive, Intelligent, Internet of Things, University of Michigan, December 2016.